Monday, May 19, 2014 ray ban sunglasses iccdx

If the Bulls at this point of attack most mining field, that is, the small forward position Luol - Deng, in the playoffs, has acted as a sniper cheap nike air max angle sè, is nike air max 1 a sè defensive and offensive critical moment, just to ensure that the advantages of the score on the Bulls. Looked puzzled Derek - Ross glance, the only coach to nike air max 1 arranged a defensive liability, for such an arrangement, in fact, from the heart nike air max 1 opposition. Oh, it seems the Bulls' next attack, Luol - Deng should focus involved.

Keith - Bogans leap serve half ray ban sunglasses the stadium and accurate handed midfielder Derek - Rose 's hands. Toes tap the ground, like the double fake ray ban sunglasses rib fin, Derek - Ross lithe leaps outside the paint, the whole movement is very free and easy, gently shake the wrist, basketball draw a small parabola, a head set into the Nets inside. Observant Derek - Ross, in nike air max 90 moments pass, found that the direction of the ball seems to be some question, originally Dwight - Howard just need to pull out the small half-step, they can easily catch the ball, and this little half- cloth, also gave Dwight - Howard enough space force, but mysteriously, Joe King - Noah came out from around the basket, just blocking Dwight - Howard's footsteps.

Luol - Deng picked up the ball, take advantage of a pick basket ball obediently through the basket. Bulls played a small wave of 10:3 ** after the Magic decisively called a timeout. Jamal - Nelson cautious in the third line of defense, I have been Derek coach outlet online - Ross rely on speed, throw three times in a row, although the coach did not criticize what nike air max 1 nike air max 1 own heart is still very tough, the reason being the Bulls played a wave scoring frenzy, they have to bear a large part of the responsibility. Derek - Rose a feint, attracted Jamal - Nelson while running around in circles, Derek - Rose's ball was in between nike air max 1 panic has spread to the inside.

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