Monday, June 3, 2013 ghd straightener wnp603

Fat shocked, knife materials are Chu-cleaning to help him get the things he had forgotten that the manual costs but also to Sutu. Had flames also spent hundreds of thousands, that the knife fix must be millions! How much of this money! Because he was nervous, the fat even voice disfigured. The Sutu 'ha ha' laugh, shot under the fat man's shoulder and said: Look ghd straightener that way, tease ghd straighteners play with! Knife money they already paid on behalf of ghd straighteners ! Fat sigh of relief, while some sorry, which he owes Chu Jie more.

This fight number BOOS can also play ah? Tomorrow is the New Year, the fat man want to go take a look at Li Xiaolian. Last good done after the transfer task to go back and look ghd result but dragged on for so long. Sun Jing Li Xiaolian Lee father to buy some new clothes, but also said the restaurant to buy a bunch of food and wine, the last fat man looked at the few remaining gold coins, bite the bullet and bought two pieces of jewelry or gave Li Xiaolian. How such a mess! Holding a pair of jade bracelets, fat knitted brows at their own space bar items even have heap is full put no small thing.

The fat man looking for a little less personal place to start a little clean-up of items to. More than a dozen pieces of clothing, two dozen pieces of jewelry, 30 plates of food and wine, there are two rings, a lot of material, hey! That jade! The fat At this time think of it, the day and before flower shadowless war, work had not been able to jade returned ghd straighteners ah! This jade also has been on the goods space even to forget. This jade white as snow, and the middle carved with the hollow dragon-shaped plate text, seems to know that is a good thing, but unfortunately not verified and not the specific property.

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