Monday, June 3, 2013 ghd hair straightener yxp67

That year, Yang widow three sons aged: 33,31,29 years of age. Face of so many older the bachelor difficult House, a poverty-stricken, the walls of the Sanko (23 bachelor, four walls) to describe the most appropriate. So in recent years (during the debt) almost no the matchmaker door propose marriage. Finally, there is a clan had an idea to the Young Widow: ghd straighteners home three sons wow wife is unrealistic, it is better to sacrifice two, to keep a. Meaning that concentrate financial resources to chip in to fairly young youngest wow wife, so as not to cut off the root incense ghd hair straightener her husband.

Now,ghd hair straighteners, the only son of the youngest fairly young, under the age of 30 years. In, Yang widow also pleased adopted this recommendation. Strike while the iron is hot, Young widow immediately convened three sons families. Young widow said the idea of ​​a boss, the second is not life and death stand. The silent foot an hour, I saw the boss second kept his head down, one by one pumping stuffy smoke. The beneficiaries of the youngest, could not, after the heart of ideological struggle, got up and pulled out of the house two brother. Is the key three to five minutes, back to the boss behind the house the second sudden 180-degree turn, changed the attitude of the just, and readily agreed to the idea of ​​the mother.

The second ideological work,ghd hair straightener, the mother, of course, pleased. Thus, the youngest of marital problems became Yang widowed family day font top priority. A month later, a distant uncle feedback in the Nango Shankeng over 30 kilometers away from the county southerly pit a 17-year-old woman (nominal age 28) (now called the woman left) has not yet married. According to the uncle (matchmaker) to understand: the woman have not found a reason: lazy husband's family. The Standing 1.76m tall and grow cattle Martha, and eat good sleep.

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